Digital Principles And System Design Ap Godse Free Download

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Digital Logic Design A.P Godse and D.A Godse | PDF ebook downloads
An alternative to Morris Mano's Digital Design book is the 'Digital Logic Design ' authored by A.P Godse and D.A Godse. Anna University students can use this book as a alternative source for their DPSD subject since it's a local author book.Being an nice local author book,we can expect this book to be more clear and exam targeted answers can be found too.A preview of this book is linked below.Make sure that the preview of this book satisfies you before you purchase or download online.


Here you can download the free lecture Notes of Digital Logic Design Pdf Notes – DLD Notes Pdf materials with multiple file links to download. The Digital Logic Design Notes Pdf – DLD Pdf Notes book starts with the topics covering Digital Systems, Axiomatic definition of Boolean Algebra, The map method, Four-variable map, Combinational Circuits, Sequential circuits, Ripple counters synchronous counters, Random-Access Memory, Analysis Procedure, Etc.

Digital Logic Design Pdf Notes – DLD Notes Pdf

DLD Complete Notes pdf

According to r13 Notes :-

Unit 1

Link – Unit 1 DLD notes pdf

Unit 2

Course Notes – Copy 1

Link – DLD notes pdf

– Copy 2

Link – DLD notes pdf copy -2


BINARY SYSTEMS : Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Number base conversions, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, complements, Signed binary numbers, Binary codes, Binary Storage and Registers, Binary logic.


BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES : Basic Definitions, Axiomatic definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions canonical and standard forms, other logic operations, Digital logic gages, integrated circuits.


GATE LEVEL MINIMIZATION : The map method, Four-variable map, Five-Variable map, product of sums simplification Dont-care conditions, NAND and NOR implementation other Two-level implementnations, Exclusive Or function, Hardward Description language (HDL).


COMBINATIONAL LOGIC : Combinational Circuits, Analysis procedure Design procedure, Binary Adder-Subtractor Decimal Adder, Binary multiplier, magnitude comparator, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, HDL for combinational circuits.

Digital Logic Design Notes Pdf – DLD Pdf Notes


SYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL LOGIC : Sequential circuits, latches, Flip-Flops Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, HDL for sequential circuits, State Reduction and Assignment, Design Procedure.


Registers, shift Registers, Ripple counters synchronous counters, other counters, HDL for Registers and counters.


Digital principles and system design ap godse free download free

Introduction, Random-Access Memory, Memory Decoding, Error Detection and correction Read-only memory, Programmable logic Array programmable Array logic, Sequential Programmable Devices.

Digital Principles And System Design Ap Godse Free Download


ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL LOGIC : Introduction, Analysis Procedure, Circuits with Latches, Design Procedure, Reduciton of state and Flow Tables, Race-Free state Assignment Hazards, Design Example.


  1. DIGITAL DESIGN Third Edition , M.Morris Mano, Pearson Education/PHI.
  2. FUNDAMENTALS OF LOGIC DESIGN, Roth, 5th Edition,Thomson.


  1. Switching and Finite Automata Theory by Zvi. Kohavi, Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. Switching and Logic Design, C.V.S. Rao, Pearson Education
  3. Digital Principles and Design Donald D.Givone, Tata McGraw Hill, Edition.
  4. Fundamentals of Digital Logic & Micro Computer Design , 5TH Edition, M. Rafiquzzaman John Wile

Note :- These notes are according to the r09 Syllabus book ofJNTUH. In R13 ,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in r13 syllabus.Click here to check all the JNTU Syllabus books

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is digital logic design?

Digital Principles And System Design By Godse Pdf Free Download

A1: Since digital logic designers build electronic components which use both electrical and computational characteristics, the design is foundational to the fields of electrical and computer engineering. Logical function, power, current, user and protocol inputs are some of the characteristics of digital logic design. It is also used to develop hardware which processes user input and system protocol.

Q2: Why the digital logic design used for?

A2: Digital logic design are used to design electronic devices, circuits, logic gates and computer chips.

Q3: What are the different logic gates?

A3: AND, NAND, OR, NOR, NOT, XOR are some of the logic gates. These gates are built using transistors. AND & OR gates need 3 transistors where are NAND & NOR gates require 2 transistors.

Q4: What are career opportunities in digital logic design?

A4: Since everything is becoming digital now, there is a high demand for the digital logical designers. Though the subject is easier that it appears to be, there is a high competition to be placed in the preferred job. Applicants’s tenacity, ability to adapt easily to new situations, social skills, quick learning are some of the qualities which a recruiter might be looking for apart from the great marks from degrees. MATLAB, VERILOG HDL, CADENCE, LINT are looking for more digital logic designers

Q5: What does a digital logic designer do?

A5: Digital logic designer designs digital systems for test and manufucturability, hardware implementation, simulation etc. Basically he/she designs computer parts which makes the computer work.

Q6: What are the ways in which logical functions can be expressed?

A6: Different ways in which logical functions can be expressed are

  • Logical expression
  • Truth table
  • Graphical form

Q7: What are the integration levels of logic chips?

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Integration Levels
Small scale IntegrationMedium Scale IntegrationLarge Scale IntegrationVery Large Scale Integration
First introduced in late 1960sFirst introduced in late 1960sFirst introduced in early 1970sFirst introduced in late 1970s
1-10 gates involved10-100 gates involved100-10000 gates involvedMore than 10000 gates involved

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